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Acerca de Disciplinas

Disciplinas de El Aposento Alto provee una oportunidad de ver la Escritura de una forma más profunda al ofrecer una semana de meditaciones de un solo autor sobre un tema en particular.

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Los devocionales de Disciplines más recientes

Reconciling Love - 16 de agosto, 2017

16 de agosto, 2017

Our psalmist begins by celebrating family unity, declaring unity as good and pleasant. The image of oil signals God’s favor, for oil was used to consecrate and bless. God intends that...

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Reconciling Love - 15 de agosto, 2017

15 de agosto, 2017

Fortunately for Joseph’s brothers, Joseph has experienced a change of heart as the familial bonds of love rekindle within him. He begins to heal from the trauma of having been separated...

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Reconciling Love - 14 de agosto, 2017

14 de agosto, 2017

The day of reckoning has arrived. Joseph comes face-to-face with the brothers who had betrayed him. When they met for the first time in years, his brothers did not recognize Joseph;...

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Faith through Discomfort - 13 de agosto, 2017

13 de agosto, 2017

We close this week by reading one of the most beautiful yet practical calls to evangelism in the Bible. Paul has just explained his concept of salvation, but he understands that...

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Faith through Discomfort - 12 de agosto, 2017

12 de agosto, 2017

When it comes to the inconsequential, we can easily admit that we’re wrong. For example, I am comfortable saying I was wrong to think guacamole tasted bad just because it looked...

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Faith through Discomfort - 11 de agosto, 2017

11 de agosto, 2017

Discomfort in life can come from many sources—natural con- sequences, other people, broken systems, and even God. However, sometimes we bring the discomfort on ourselves. “Lord, if it is you, command...

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Faith through Discomfort - 10 de agosto, 2017

10 de agosto, 2017

Iam guilty of overlooking small details in familiar stories like Jesus walking on water, but recently a single word jumped out: Jesus made the disciples get in the boat and head...

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Faith through Discomfort - 9 de agosto, 2017

9 de agosto, 2017

Everyone loves a good story, and central to a good story is conflict. Few best-sellers focus on the perfect day where everything works out. Romantic comedies end when the couple gets...

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Faith through Discomfort - 8 de agosto, 2017

8 de agosto, 2017

Why do bad things happen to good people—specifically me?” Distant tragedies from around the world can lead some to question God, but how many more crises of faith result from personal...

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Faith through Discomfort - 7 de agosto, 2017

7 de agosto, 2017

When we look at the family tree of the patriarchs, we find a series of “gold stars.” Abraham literally had many sons, but Genesis 25 tells us that he gave all...

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