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Acerca de Disciplinas

Disciplinas de El Aposento Alto provee una oportunidad de ver la Escritura de una forma más profunda al ofrecer una semana de meditaciones de un solo autor sobre un tema en particular.

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Los devocionales de Disciplines más recientes

Encountering God - 9 de junio, 2020

9 de junio, 2020

When things seem too good to be true, we doubt them; yet often we have no trouble believing that things are as bad as we are told. Sarah laughs an old-age...

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Encountering God - 8 de junio, 2020

8 de junio, 2020

Abraham and Sarah first appear in Genesis 12, and significant encounters with the Holy take place in nearly every following chapter. In our reading the Lord appears as three visitors in...

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The Authority of Love - 7 de junio, 2020

7 de junio, 2020

There probably is no Christian teaching more confusing to us than the Trinity. I have heard people ask a thousand times, “Why can’t we just add a fourth member to the...

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The Authority of Love - 6 de junio, 2020

6 de junio, 2020

The Bible suggests that Paul struggles to exercise authority gently and humbly but also powerfully with the church at Corinth, whose favorite sport seems to consist of serious fighting. The Corinthians...

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The Authority of Love - 5 de junio, 2020

5 de junio, 2020

Now we come to a greatly disputed part of this passage. Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore and make disciples of...

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The Authority of Love - 4 de junio, 2020

4 de junio, 2020

In today’s passage Jesus has told the disciples where to meet him for the last time. They worship him on the mountain when they see him, he passes on his authority...

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The Authority of Love - 3 de junio, 2020

3 de junio, 2020

This psalm, like the first creation story in this week’s Genesis reading, is a deep call to awe and wonder as we consider what it means to be human in the...

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The Authority of Love - 2 de junio, 2020

2 de junio, 2020

This first Creation story culminates in God’s making of humanity in God’s own image, after which we human beings are assigned our work in the world: to multiply and fill the...

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The Authority of Love - 1 de junio, 2020

1 de junio, 2020

My early childhood experience of today’s reading was not a happy one. I remember sitting in a circle in Sunday school while we each took a turn stumbling through the words,...

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Spirit and Breath of Power - 31 de mayo, 2020

31 de mayo, 2020

In some cultures, it is inappropriate to speak the truth openly and in public unless the person speaking is drunk. Somehow, within the context of such cultures, a person is forgiven...

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