Reconciliation sometimes comes only with persistence, but that does not mean belligerence. Rather, it is an unwavering dedication to the new path of righteousness. Often people are not ready to receive an apology or participate in the process of reconciliation; they are hurt and need to heal. Only with the...

Creator of all life, justice, and a way forward, give us bread for today and the strength to create a system that forgives debts so that our children may be fed tomorrow. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
July 18–24, 2022
Resumen de la Escritura

Hosea can be a difficult book with troublesome metaphors. This prophet is called to live with an unfaithful wife as an image of how Israel is unfaithful to God. Yet even in this initial statement of judgment, God includes a promise of restoration. Psalm 85 appeals to God’s steadfast love. God has become angry with the people for their unfaithfulness, and the people appeal for God’s mercy, which they are confident they will receive. The Colossians reading warns against replacing or even supplementing the simple truth of the gospel with human wisdom, religious rules, or anything else. We have fellowship with Christ through our faith. Jesus teaches us to ask God for what we need and for what we want just as we would ask a human parent.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Hosea 1:2-10. How is God reminding you of your covenant relationship?
Read Psalm 85. When have you needed to pray for restoration in your life, in your relationships with the wider community, or in your relationship with God?
Read Colossians 2:6-19. Paul teaches us the value of community. How can you help make the community more just?
Read Luke 11:1-13. How has praying regularly changed you? If you do not pray regularly, start a practice now. Look for the ways it changes you.

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