Has it ever occurred to you that nothing new has ever occurred to God? We can take comfort in the knowledge that God has no new revelations, no sudden insights, no lapses in attention or judgment. God is aware of all that is before us and encourages us, through scripture,...

How are you challenging yourself to grow in Christ? Do you make the most of the opportunities that present themselves? How can you continue to develop and grow? Ask God today to show you where and how God is calling you to grow in your faith.

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Leccionario Semanal
November 8–14, 2021
Resumen de la Escritura

The inability to have a child brings pain to many today, and this was equally true in ancient times. In that context it was sometimes even worse, for Peninnah openly ridicules Hannah for being unable to conceive. But as a result of Hannah's desperate, heartfelt prayer, God blesses her with a son, Samuel, who will become a powerful prophet. Hannah then rejoices in a God who exalts the poor and needy. Hannah provides an example of the boldness with which we also can approach God now because of Christ’s sacrifice. The destruction of Jerusalem is the focus of the passage in Mark. Jesus here predicts the demolition of the Temple and the city, which the Romans executed in 70 ce.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read 1 Samuel 1:4-20. How do you persist in prayer when your prayer seems unanswered for a long time?
Read 1 Samuel 2:1-10. How do you express your joy and thanks when God answers your prayer?
Read Hebrews 10:11-25. What helps you to persevere in the practice of your faith?
Read Mark 13:1-8. What signs make you anxious about the future? What helps you to hold on to hope?

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