Catherine Williams | Leer Mark 5:24-34
All kinds of touching happen throughout this twin narrative. First there is Jairus falling at Jesus’ feet, possibly grasping him in desperation, begging him to “ . . . lay your hands on my daughter.” Then there’s the crowd—the pressing, pushing, jostling mass of people—all touching one another, many possibly...
Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire, unuttered or expressed, the motion of a hidden fire that trembles in the breast. O Thou, by whom we come to God, the Life, the Truth, the Way: the path of prayer thyself hast trod; Lord, teach us how to pray (UMH, no. 492).
David is remembered in scripture as a mighty king but also as a great poet. Many of the Psalms are ascribed to him. In Second Samuel we find a song of lament over Saul and Jonathan. Saul was violently jealous of David, yet David still honored Saul as God’s anointed king. Jonathan was David’s best friend. David bemoans Israel’s loss of these leaders. The author of Psalm 130, although probably not David, appeals to God in David-like fashion. The Gospel shows the power of a woman’s faith. In Second Corinthians, Paul deals with practical matters, appealing to the Corinthians to send promised financial help to the believers in Jerusalem.
Read 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27. What part does music play in your prayer life? Do you sing both songs of lament and songs of praise?
Read Psalm 130. When have you cried out to God from the depths of your despair? What was God’s response?
Read 2 Corinthians 8:7-15. How do you maintain your eagerness to practice your faith?
Read Mark 5:21-43. What has been your experience of God’s healing?
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