Reflecting on the temptations of Jesus can be difficult. They touch on our human desires to eat, to have power, and to be immortal. We all feel these desires at one time or another. We certainly wish to eat regularly, and we often overeat to be comforted by food when...

Almighty Creator, thank you for your word that feeds and empowers us in our journey with you. We renew our commitment to depend wholly on you, to worship you, and to do your will and not ours. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
March 4–10, 2019
Resumen de la Escritura

As we begin the season of Lent, the readings provide several images of how we might prepare our hearts. Deuteronomy focuses on gratitude with a recitation of the history of God’s faithfulness. The people are instructed to offer their gifts to God as a response to God’s generosity. The psalmist focuses on faithfulness. If we put our confidence in God, God will protect and sustain us. In Romans, Paul emphasizes faith. Our confession of faith from the mouth should come from the heart, and this heart confession saves us. The story of the temptation of Jesus admonishes us to know biblical truth. The devil tempts Jesus with half-truths—even scriptural quotes—but Jesus counters with correct understanding of God’s word and God’s character.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Deuteronomy 26:1-11. We no longer offer physical sacrifices to God. How do you give the “first fruits” of your labor to God in thanksgiving?
Read Psalm 91:2, 9-16. Recall a time you have felt abandoned or insecure. How did God respond to your call?
Read Romans 10:8b-13. Paul learned to see those he once despised as his equals in Christ. Whom does God call you to learn to love?
Read Luke 4:1-13. How do you follow Jesus’ example to use scripture to resist temptation?

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