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Acerca de Disciplinas

Disciplinas de El Aposento Alto provee una oportunidad de ver la Escritura de una forma más profunda al ofrecer una semana de meditaciones de un solo autor sobre un tema en particular.

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Los devocionales de Disciplines más recientes

The Lord Provides - 1 de enero, 2017

1 de enero, 2017

The time has come again, as old has gone and new has arrived. Some of us pray that this year will not be like the last, remembering only the pains, struggles,...

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The Lord Provides - 31 de diciembre, 2016

31 de diciembre, 2016

My youth minister strummed his guitar and sang his own lyrics, “The sun burst orange-yellow-red, lighting caverns in my head.” When I watch sunrises and sunsets those words often slip into...

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The Lord Provides - 30 de diciembre, 2016

30 de diciembre, 2016

All creation has gifts to offer when it comes to beauty and wonder, but I believe the American West has a unique beauty. I can ride through the expanses of Kansas...

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The Lord Provides - 29 de diciembre, 2016

29 de diciembre, 2016

We live a storied existence but often forget how God weaves those stories together. Jesus’ birth fleshes out biblical prophecies, and history forever changes. Jewish people were storytellers who passed on...

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The Lord Provides - 28 de diciembre, 2016

28 de diciembre, 2016

Centuries before the writing of this Gospel, Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians and the Israelites found themselves exiled in a land far from home. As the faithful Israelites recounted God’s faithfulness...

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The Lord Provides - 27 de diciembre, 2016

27 de diciembre, 2016

We have to be careful with the weight of the world’s burdens. They grow heavier as we watch the news, which reminds us of the world’s brokenness. The bad news seems...

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The Lord Provides - 26 de diciembre, 2016

26 de diciembre, 2016

All eyes were focused on Washington, DC. Rick Warren prayed; Aretha Franklin sang; and Barack Obama was sworn in as the forty-fourth president of the United States—an exciting and historic day...

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Sing the New Song: Our God Reigns! - 25 de diciembre, 2016

25 de diciembre, 2016

Sentinels lift your voices! Sing out together! How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of a messenger who proclaims peace, brings good news, and proclaims salvation. This messenger has come....

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24 de diciembre, 2016

24 de diciembre, 2016

Christmas Eve services across the land now host the largest number of worshipers of any throughout the year. Like those in the time of Caesar Augustus who traveled to their birthplaces...

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Sing the New Song: Our God Reigns! - 23 de diciembre, 2016

23 de diciembre, 2016

The opening words of Hebrews soar with Christological passion: “In the past God spoke through the prophets. . . . In these final days, though, he spoke to us through a...

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