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Acerca de Disciplinas

Disciplinas de El Aposento Alto provee una oportunidad de ver la Escritura de una forma más profunda al ofrecer una semana de meditaciones de un solo autor sobre un tema en particular.

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Los devocionales de Disciplines más recientes

The Harmony of One - 27 de enero, 2019

27 de enero, 2019

New Testament writers reference the words of Isaiah more than any other Hebrew scripture except the Psalms. Isaiah speaks a truth that is as yeast in leavened bread. Jesus of Nazareth’s...

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The Harmony of One - 26 de enero, 2019

26 de enero, 2019

I was ten years old and was fishing in a canal running through a Miami park. I had cast a lead lure too far and it had snagged in the mangrove...

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The Harmony of One - 25 de enero, 2019

25 de enero, 2019

Aloneness is a persistent thread running through the story of Jesus’ life. It resonates with us through the human condition we share with our Savior. In today’s reading Jesus has emerged...

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The Harmony of One - 24 de enero, 2019

24 de enero, 2019

I am a recovering alcoholic. My recovery has been a decade-long awakening. After sharing my story with my senior pastor, he declared to me, “We are all in recovery.” Isolation is...

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The Harmony of One - 23 de enero, 2019

23 de enero, 2019

My church in Smyrna, Georgia, has an exceptionally vibrant music ministry. The church’s half dozen choirs include a nationally traveled youth choir. The church’s journey through Advent 2017 was uniquely special...

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The Harmony of One - 22 de enero, 2019

22 de enero, 2019

What would make God happy? What would cause our Creator to be supremely contented with a big smile, folded arms, nodding head, and misty eyes gazing on those created in God’s...

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The Harmony of One - 21 de enero, 2019

21 de enero, 2019

If you, like me, dedicate your early morning to prayer and meditation, then you are reading this less than twenty-four hours after exiting your place of Sunday sabbath worship. I often...

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With You Is the Fountain of Life - 20 de enero, 2019

20 de enero, 2019

The Gospel of John is more interested in revealing the identity of Jesus than in telling miracle stories. While extraordinary events occur in John’s telling of Jesus’ story, the primary focus...

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With You Is the Fountain of Life - 19 de enero, 2019

19 de enero, 2019

The guests are present. The wine supply has been depleted. After a mother-and-son conversation, the six water jars, standing empty and ready for religious rituals, are filled with water. When they...

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With You Is the Fountain of Life - 18 de enero, 2019

18 de enero, 2019

“They have no wine.” I smile when I read this verse in John’s story of Jesus and his mother at a wedding. In a very motherly voice, Mary tells her son,...

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