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Disciplinas de El Aposento Alto provee una oportunidad de ver la Escritura de una forma más profunda al ofrecer una semana de meditaciones de un solo autor sobre un tema en particular.

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Los devocionales de Disciplines más recientes

No Greater Love - 14 de agosto, 2019

14 de agosto, 2019

Today’s setting feels like déjà vu all over again to those of us who spent the last two days in Isaiah 5. We’re back on the farm. Once again Israel is...

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No Greater Love - 13 de agosto, 2019

13 de agosto, 2019

Today we learn the outcome of the gardener’s investment of care. When he harvests the grapes, they are not the sweet, wholesome fruit for which he prepared. They are wild grapes,...

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No Greater Love - 12 de agosto, 2019

12 de agosto, 2019

Love often takes the shape of preparation. A young man showers and shaves and washes his car as he thinks of a date with his beloved later that day. A mother-to-be...

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Doing Good, Seeking Justice - 11 de agosto, 2019

11 de agosto, 2019

Live in readiness. Be dressed for action. Keep your batteries charged. Jesus does not equate waiting with doing nothing. Life is lived in the present, and Jesus has just instructed the...

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Doing Good, Seeking Justice - 10 de agosto, 2019

10 de agosto, 2019

“Do not be afraid.” The angel’s words to Zechariah and then to Mary in Luke 1 appear again on Jesus’ lips in today’s reading. These words and variations of them appear...

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Doing Good, Seeking Justice - 9 de agosto, 2019

9 de agosto, 2019

The writer as storyteller spends the rest of the eleventh chapter of Hebrews naming people of faith who put their trust in God in myriad circumstances. This week’s lectionary reading speaks...

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Doing Good, Seeking Justice - 8 de agosto, 2019

8 de agosto, 2019

The writer of the letter to the Hebrews, whom scholars believe is not Paul, is a theologian and a storyteller. The eleventh chapter begins by setting out the direction and the...

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Doing Good, Seeking Justice - 7 de agosto, 2019

7 de agosto, 2019

On the heels of Isaiah comes a psalm of judgment. While we may prefer psalms of comfort, like Psalm 23, or psalms of praise and thanksgiving, like Psalm 8, psalms of...

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Doing Good, Seeking Justice - 6 de agosto, 2019

6 de agosto, 2019

In frustration, we may ask, “What do you want me to do?” We long for clarity and direction, even though we may not like the answers we receive and think we...

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Doing Good, Seeking Justice - 5 de agosto, 2019

5 de agosto, 2019

The longest prophetic book in the Hebrew scriptures begins with complaints about the rebellious people of Judah in the Southern Kingdom with its capital of Jerusalem. The readings this week address...

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