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Acerca de Disciplinas

Disciplinas de El Aposento Alto provee una oportunidad de ver la Escritura de una forma más profunda al ofrecer una semana de meditaciones de un solo autor sobre un tema en particular.

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Los devocionales de Disciplines más recientes

Choose, Now! - 2 de noviembre, 2020

2 de noviembre, 2020

You might want to skip this week’s readings. They won’t be easy—way too much truth-telling for my comfort. But if you’ve had a feeling that lately your idea of God has...

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Our Strength and Portion - 1 de noviembre, 2020

1 de noviembre, 2020

In this passage, commonly known as the Beatitudes, Jesus tells us what it means to be blessed. He does not mention winning the lottery, being elected to high office, or buying...

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Our Strength and Portion - 31 de octubre, 2020

31 de octubre, 2020

Bishop Colin Winter was a dear friend whom I met when I was teaching at a seminary in London. Colin had been the Anglican Bishop of South West Africa, now Namibia,...

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Our Strength and Portion - 30 de octubre, 2020

30 de octubre, 2020

Jesus uses strong words to caution his disciples about some of the religious leaders among them. The scribes and Pharisees teach and interpret the law of Moses, just as Jesus does....

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Our Strength and Portion - 29 de octubre, 2020

29 de octubre, 2020

After a very difficult time preaching the gospel in Philippi, Paul, accompanied by Silvanus and Timothy, moves on to Thessalonica. Here too are challenges. Paul then moves on to another city...

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Our Strength and Portion - 28 de octubre, 2020

28 de octubre, 2020

The opening verse of Psalm 107 is repeated as a refrain many times in the text: “O give thanks to the Lord for he is good; for his steadfast love endures...

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Our Strength and Portion - 27 de octubre, 2020

27 de octubre, 2020

The Psalms offer us a model for honest prayer that addresses every part of our lives. Whether we are rejoicing in God’s goodness or struggling through fear and brokenness, these ancient...

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Our Strength and Portion - 26 de octubre, 2020

26 de octubre, 2020

Every morning I am reminded of the great turning point in Hebrew history when Moses led the people across the Red Sea. My coffee cup depicts the event. The people stand...

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Dwelling with God - 25 de octubre, 2020

25 de octubre, 2020

Despite years of listening to sermons, reading spiritual texts, learning prayer practices, and attending retreats, I still manage now and then to mire myself in anxiety, confusion, guilt, shame, and restlessness....

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Dwelling with God - 24 de octubre, 2020

24 de octubre, 2020

I love when Jesus is smart and edgy—when he trips up the Pharisees, puzzles them, mystifies them. They know the scriptures, but he knows God. They’re well schooled; he’s subtle and...

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