Three servants were entrusted with their master’s riches. Two multiplied them, earning their master’s approval. The third hid his away in a safe place and was thrown into the farthest darkness. It is an image that strikes anxiety into anyone who wants to be a faithful follower of Christ. It...

God of the marginalized, help us take seriously your command to befriend and serve the least of these. Strengthen us to take risks with our faith so that it can grow. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
November 13–19, 2023
Resumen de la Escritura

Like us, the Israelites struggle to be consistently faithful to God. God therefore allows a foreign king to rule them until the people come to their senses and cry out for help. The prophet Deborah gives instructions for the battle that will begin the deliverance of the people. The readings from Psalms and Zechariah demonstrate that this pattern of unfaithfulness and restoration has occurred frequently in the history of God’s people. In Thessalonians, Paul echoes what Jesus says in last week’s Gospel reading: We must always be prepared for the return of Christ because we do not know when it will occur. God gives us resources to use for the kingdom, and in Matthew Jesus indicates that God will ask for an account of how well we have used them.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Judges 4:1-7. Who has been a judge—someone who helps you discern—in your life? How can you help others discern the way?Read Psalm 123. How do you focus on God through conflict and struggle?Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. When have you encouraged someone in a time of darkness? When have you been the one in need of encouragement?Read Matthew 25:14-30. What would change if you considered your dreams and desires as from God? What first step can you take to enact your desires?

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