Kimberly C. Orr | Leer Psalm 107:33-37
The interweaving of the impact of human choices with God’s creating and un-creating activities is evident in today’s passage. The psalmist briefly draws on imagery from the Noah story: “The LORD saw that the wickedness of humankind was great in the earth” and determined to “destroy them along with the...
Creator God, forgive us for too often living more in alignment with the forces of chaos than with stewardship for your creation. As we await the new heaven and earth, may we work to honor you and one another through reverent use of the resources you have left in our care. Amen.
An overarching theme of the All Saints Day lectionary texts is “Keep pressing forward, despite observable challenges, because God is still at work among us.” Joshua seeks to bolster the sojourner’s faith by linking the present moment with the rescuing actions of God in the past. The psalm is a song of corporate thanksgiving, a deep inhalation and a collective sigh of relief from the those who were drowning in the dark waters of exile. In Thessalonians we read an apostolic plea to allow the word of God to continue its revelatory, good-news work among believers. And in Matthew we hear the charged opening of Jesus’ final discourse, as he sharply warns against religious arrogance and hypocrisy that can hinder God’s work of kingdom justice.
Read Joshua 3:7-17. When have you had to trust leaders for the good of your community?Read Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37. Recall difficult times in your faith journey. How did you experience God’s steadfast love through these times? Read 1 Thessalonians 2:9-13. What daily practices give you insight into God’s word? How do you encourage others in their life of faith?Read Matthew 23:1-12. Do your leaders live what they preach? If you are a leader, how do you strive to live the gospel?
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