Sunday is for joy! This passage tells us to praise God by remembering all the things God has done. The psalm recalls specific stories in detail so that their memory continues to evoke joy: the covenant with Abraham, delivery from famine, escape from bondage in Egypt. Remembering and celebrating what...

Here I am, Holy Trinity. You have my attention because I trust you. Thank you for helping me remember how trustworthy you are. Thank you for moving my trust into active joy! Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
August 28–September 3, 2023
Resumen de la Escritura

Moses has fled Egypt and is living in the desert, where God calls him to return and free the Israelites. Moses resists, but God does not relent. In many of the Psalms, the psalmist reviews God’s record of faithfulness. Psalm 105 is no different and highlights the calling of Moses. In Romans, Paul addresses practical ethical concerns. How should we treat those who treat us poorly? We should never repay evil for evil, but instead should bless those who harm us. This goes against our natural instincts, yet the gospel is countercultural and calls us to a higher standard. In Matthew, Peter has just had a tremendous moment in declaring his faith in Christ. Now he stumbles in failing to understand that Jesus’ path to glory will pass through suffering.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Exodus 3:1-15. What sacred encounter might have been your burning bush? How did you know God’s presence was with you in the encounter?Read Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b. How does obedience to God shape your life? Recall an instance where your obedience to God’s call or teachings made a difference.Read Romans 12:9-21. When has working toward a common goal helped you better love your family, friends, or community?Read Matthew 16:21-28. When have you had to trust God and accept that you “have no idea how God works”? How did your trust help you through the situation?

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