We worship a God who took on flesh—who intimately understands the heaviness of being human. Jesus knows our burdens. He feels our weariness. And he doesn’t leave us to hold all of it alone.

As a loving father has compassion for his children, so does God offer us extravagant compassion...

O compassionate Christ, in you I find rest. I give all that I carry to you. When I am weary, hold me in your gentle arms. Help me to be more like you, gentle and humble in heart. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
July 3–9, 2023
Resumen de la Escritura

The reading in Genesis shifts our attention from Abraham to his son Isaac. When Isaac comes of age, Abraham sends a servant to find a wife for him. When the servant meets Rebekah, her kind hospitality convinces him that she is the one. Isaac marries her, and the reading in the psalm celebrates nuptial love as a symbol of God’s love. Paul in Romans reflects on the human condition. We desire to do what is right, but we fall short over and over again. What is the solution? God delivers us through Jesus Christ. In Matthew, Jesus emphasizes his intimate relationship with God and invites all who are weary to enter into Christ’s rest.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Genesis 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67. Which of these or other biblical stories model for you the relationship between God and humanity?
Read Psalm 45:10-17. How have you seen God at work in the way loving relationships have transformed you?
Read Romans 7:15-25a. How might participating in Com- munion in times of strife or sin help you be reconciled to God and others?
Read Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30. The life of faith holds many ironies. How do you hold together the seeming opposites of Jesus’ and John’s focus in their ministries? of seeking to be yoked to God when your burden is too heavy?

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