Our psalm ends today saying “happy [are] the people whom [the LORD] has chosen as [God’s] heritage.” We have come full circle. We began with God’s promise to bless all the generations of Abram’s descendants should he faithfully respond to God’s instructions. Now, we are told the results. God has...

God, I choose faithfulness. It may look like blind obedience to others only because I trust in you. I strive to live in awe of you. May it be so. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
June 5–11, 2023
Resumen de la Escritura

The readings for this week share the theme of our faith and God’s faithfulness. In Genesis, God calls Abram to leave his country and promises to make of him a great nation. Abram has faith in God’s faithfulness and goes. In the Gospel, Matthew follows Jesus immediately, and there are two stories of healings that show great faithfulness. In Romans, Paul explains that God calls Abram and Matthew and us—even though we are all sinners—and reckons our faith as righteousness. The psalmist reminds us that all God’s “work is done in faithfulness.”

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Genesis 12:1-9. Think of a time you chose to follow God’s leading. How were you blessed by the decision?
Read Psalm 33:1-12. Where have you seen God’s faithful
actions in your life? Among the nations?
Read Romans 4:13-25. How is the promise that our faith will
be reckoned to us as righteousness good news for you?
Read Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26. How is Jesus calling you to get up and follow? What would that kind of faith look like?

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