When the early church witnessed Stephen’s death, they must have been struck not only by the injustice but the lost opportunity. Stephen was a persuasive and holy man who could have been a spokesperson for the early church. He was a rebel for Jesus, bold and erudite, who would have...

Lord Jesus, when see suffering, give us hope through your redemptive passion and death. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
May 1–7, 2023
Resumen de la Escritura

All of the readings this week include people facing hostility or suffering. In Acts, Stephen is stoned to death for his belief in Christ. In John’s Gospel, the disciples in the upper room are anticipating Jesus’ death. Peter tells the scattered believers not to fear despite the hatred in society, and the psalmist cries to the Lord for rescue from his persecutors. Another aspect the readings have in common is the solution to their suffering. For the psalmist, this means recalling God’s character. In the New Testament passages, it’s remembering Christ. God is a rock and fortress in Psalm 31, and Christ is the cornerstone, our firm foundation, in 1 Peter. Focusing on Christ shapes our response to suffering.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Acts 7:55-60. Recall a time when you have seen God’s power in action. How was God’s power different than you might have expected?Read Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16. Contemplate your answers to the author’s questions. How do the psalmist’s hope and experiences reflect your own?Read 1 Peter 2:2-10. When have you experienced God as a loving Mother? When has Christ been your cornerstone?Read John 14:1-14. How do you experience God’s presence through the life or actions of others?

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