Clearly the Gospel writer intends these words for the church
and the broader Christian community. The first message
to the church is that obedience indicates or reflects our love
for Christ. That obedience manifests from our following Jesus’
example. Up until this point, Jesus had comforted, helped,
defended, and taught...

Gracious God, may we abide in the Advocate today as we face the world. Strengthen us to be the body of Christ. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
May 15–21, 2017
Resumen de la Escritura

The psalm and the Acts reading address the ways in which the concrete faith claims of the community have credence outside that community. They undertake to make the faith credible to outsiders. On the basis of personal testimony, the psalm invites the nations to share in the new life given by God who has saved. Paul makes concrete confessional claims about Jesus in response to the religious inclinations of his Hellenistic listeners. The Gospel and epistle readings focus on the needs of the church community and seek to offer pastoral consolation. The psalm and Acts readings are a “journey out” to the nations and to attentive nonbelievers. The Gospel and epistle readings are a “journey in” to the life and needs of the church.

Preguntas para la reflexión

• Read Psalm 66:8-20. Recall a time when God did not let your feet slip.
• Read Acts 17:22-31. What are your unknown gods? What are your known gods that become idols in your life? How do they affect your relationship with the God who made the world and everything in it?
• Read 1 Peter 3:13-22. When have you suffered while doing good? What did you learn about God? about yourself?
• Read John 14:15-21. How have you experienced the Advocate’s companionship and guidance?

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