Peter had put all his hope in his beloved friend, Jesus, only to
see him cruelly crucified. Jesus had healed the sick, fed the
hungry, comforted the desperate, and preached good news to the
poor. Through all these signs and wonders, Peter’s faith in God
must have grown stronger than...

Lord, give us eyes to see your hidden purposes among us. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
April 17–23, 2017
Resumen de la Escritura

Psalm 16 and Acts 2 fit together, since the latter quotes the former. Both celebrate God’s presence in human life and the powerful expression of that presence. In his Pentecost sermon Peter sees a messianic application of the psalm to the resurrection of Jesus. First Peter affirms that resurrection creates community, stressing the faith and love of Christians that arise without the experience of physical contact with Jesus. For later generations, belief and commitment are born out of the witness of others.

Preguntas para la reflexión

• Read Acts 2:14a, 22-32. When has a life experience made you, like Peter, feel that your faith was a sham? How did you move past that experience into renewed hope?
• Read Psalm 16. When have you perceived God as refuge? How has your faith in God steadied your life? What is your “goodly heritage”?
• Read 1 Peter 1:3-9. What act of power and grace on God’s part allows you to reconfigure or reinterpret your life story?
• Read John 20:19-31. When have you employed the power to release others from their sin? to leave them in their sin?

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