A good number of the psalms, such as the psalms of lament, deal with the personal trials and tribulations of the psalmist. They are the prayers of an anguished heart.

Psalm 26 may seem like an odd prayer. What is the psalmist’s intent? Is he justifying himself to God? Is...

Lord, help me to approach you sincerely and honestly, holding nothing back. You know the yearnings of my inmost heart, so I give them all to you. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
September 27–October 3, 2021
Resumen de la Escritura

This week we read about Job, an upright man who faces severe trials but never loses his faith. Job’s story brings us face-to-face with the fact that living a godly life does not make us immune to suffering. Like Job, the psalmist wonders why he suffers, even though he lives according to God’s standards. Hebrews presents Jesus as the ultimate example of unwarranted suffering, yet because of his perseverance he is ultimately glorified. In Mark, some Pharisees test Jesus on the interpretation of the law concerning divorce. Jesus makes strong statements about marriage, but his larger concern is that their hearts have become hard. He contrasts them with little children, who model faith by receiving God with an open heart.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Job 1:1; 2:1-10. What helps you to live with integrity?
Read Psalm 26. Do you feel free in your prayer life to honestly share with God all that you are feeling?
Read Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12. In what ways does God speak to us in our day?
Read Mark 10:2-16. What qualities found in children do you try to cultivate in your spiritual life?

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