These travelers are grappling with stories that seem unreal: angelic visitation, Jesus’ empty tomb, rumors that he is alive. When they get to the end of the trip, they ask this stranger who has tried to explain scripture to them to stay and eat. Suddenly, he reveals himself as Jesus...

Holy God, do not give up on me if I doubt the movement of your Spirit when it conflicts with my logical mind. When I sense your Spirit, keep me grounded in the simplicity of this life. Open my eyes to evidence of the resurrection, and make of me an exhibit of resurrection. Amen.

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Leccionario Semanal
April 20–26, 2020
Resumen de la Escritura

As we consider further the power of Jesus’ resurrection, how should we respond? This is the question posed to Peter in the reading in Acts. Peter’s first instruction is to repent, to change course in our thinking and our living to align more with God’s way. The psalmist proclaims his gratitude to God because God has heard his cry, but the process began with the psalmist turning to the Lord. First Peter states that because we have turned and have faith and hope in God, we ought to love one another deeply from the heart. Luke tells the story of two men who meet Jesus on the road to Emmaus. They recognize him only as he breaks the bread, symbolizing that Christian fellowship is also part of a changed life.

Preguntas para la reflexión

Read Acts 2:14a, 36-41. How might you allow Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection to disrupt your life or your faith? How would such a disruption change you?
Read Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19. When have you learned of God’s great joy for you? How do the Psalms remind you that you are beloved?
Read 1 Peter 1:17-23. How can you take the author’s advice to “act like someone who knows [you are] loved”?
Read Luke 24:13-35. Recall times throughout your life when Jesus has been revealed to you. Which of these encounters have been logical? Which have been supernatural?

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